Angie's blog

Angie is a simple girlie who believes that her life is governed by God's mercy, grace and wisdom. This blog site solely used for her to express her thoughts and experiences in life.

Friday, June 4

Kuchh kuchh hota hai...

I kya karuu.n haa'e, kuchh kuchh hota hai ... that's how the song trails off in the hindi movie, lol! Literally means "What shall I do? Something happens (in my heart)" - in English.

Anyway, I'm NOT referring to a man in regards to the was my infatuation with a pretty pink & gold gossamer-like silk sari... 8 years ago!! I spent just as many years trying to search for the right choli (a short blouse worn under the sari) to go with it!

This song goes back to my old work place... I was one of the 'maidens' in a sketch about 3 years ago when I had to don on a sari and dance & sing to the song. It was really fun, and we did that at the students' annual ball where the top & middle management had to come up with a sketch to entertain the students! In a team of 12 persons, we decided to play the ever-famous Sha Rukh Khan's kuchh kuchh hota hai movie / song and make a spoof out of it!

Well, that's the only 'sari' history I have till now. Many thanks to my East Indian boss's (Shanker) wedding ceremony on 6th June 2004, I resumed with my search for the choli . As one of the usherers for the night, I wanted to blend into the culture and surroundings, which gave me a reason to dress up like a traditional 'Indian'... yup, complete with the bindi (sticker on the forehead), bangles, nose pin, sindoor sticker (a dot or any other decorative piece to decorate the forehead), matching gold necklace & earrings, and a pair of Indian gold sandals!

The kuchh kuchh hota hai song was playing in my mind when I tagged along with Priya & Ernie all the way to Klang, a godforsaken jin bertendang (genie's haven) place to shop for the required knick knacks to go with the occassion. Alas, I still couldn't find the right choli and decided to have one tailor-made. I hopped from one shop to the next requesting to have rolls and rolls of champagne-gold material to be brought out - what a wonderful variety to choose from!

So, I went to this tailor who's an Indian nationale - can't speak a word of English or Bahasa Malaysia... and I couldn't understand a word of Tamil! It's a good thing that Priya was around to tell him what I want to do and so forth. So, everything's settled now :).

Hmmm.... I'll need Priya's mom to help me to 'tie' the sari for me before I go to Shanker's wedding - so looking forward to that :).