Angie's blog

Angie is a simple girlie who believes that her life is governed by God's mercy, grace and wisdom. This blog site solely used for her to express her thoughts and experiences in life.

Friday, November 5

Finding 'justice' with our naked eyes

Our eyes coupled with our minds, are the perfect partners in crime in processing and analysing 'justice', putting selective visions in colours and forming supported meanings and reasons to help us further carve our opinion in stone. Yes, we are judgemental, and we play 'God' in countless situations, discerning what we choose to see, choose to believe in, and choose to accept. Not that we do this deliberately, or are right at the arrival of our opinion, it's just the way we humans are. Thus, we err in judgement in a quite innocent and undeliberate way, but still, we can never be judgemental without our very own consent. Such are the sins that our 'coloured vision' commit, in the forefront of our pseudo-sharp and intellectual minds that are tainted with complicated ways of the world. Still, we march on believing that we are right in how we find fairness, reason-blind and spiritually-blind. No one's exempted from these very humanistic flaws, the only variant of its dosage amongst individuals are its magnitude and frequency of occurence. A check and balance has to be in place, but how, where and when do we begin?

Recently, I sat down with one of my colleagues for a long, long lunch, who happened to be amongst the most judgemental person I've ever met - always passing 'death sentences' on others by verbalising her opinion of others to another. Obviously, her opinion matters, as I've not seen a colleague (though innocent) who is not 'bad mouthed' by this colleague, would survive this company. No, no, no, she doesn't have a bad heart, but she has very high expectations of people, and the benchmark is her - the perfectionist. I happen to be doted by her (whew! I wonder how long would that last!), and by some sheer luck, I escaped her scrutinity by the skin of my teeth. During lunch that day, she got my brain ticking over a story she has to tell, and I wonder, how did she not apply the very same story to herself? I mulled over what she has said for days, thinking of the best way to relate the story she shared, which is so apt and truly something that we could apply to our lives, here goes:

In a land yonder, there is a church where all who enter are blessed in miraculous ways. Year in and year out, people from all four corners of the world would trickle into the church with different burdens, agendas and needs in their hearts. Those who couldn't find, would eventually find, those who sought, would receive. It's truly a place where no one leaves without their prayers' being answered. People who have been there and blessed in various ways would even make a second pilgrimage there to give thanks in forms of offerings and praises. Such is the miraculous works of God within that very church.

There is a young, ambitious and zealous man, who doubted the great wonders of this church. He decided one day, that he will be the first to defy all the 'good' he heard of this church, because he has insurmountable 'unjustifiable' issues to question God and make God squirm. Armed with his ammunition of questions, courage and confidence, he made his way to the church, ready to confront God with issues of injustice that God, as he has 'perceived', has not attended to - natural disasters, the meaningless deaths caused by war, children born handicapped, orphans, children who pass on before their parents and many, many more.

By and by, he reached the church, and to his surprise, there is no grandeur surrounding or within the church. It was simple-looking, and one might miss it if one wasn't intently looking for it. Each step drew him nearer to the church, and he began to falter, thinking how he should 'word' his accusations in the most convincing way that 'God has failed'. With his mind ready, he pompously marched past the entrance, and saw no one in there - still, he couldn't help to feel it's cosiness and simplicity - no sight of a pulpit, just rows of wooden benches facing a slightly elavated ground that has a wooden table set in front of it. Behind the table, he could see a large wooden cross. He searched for a place to kneel, and decided that he'll position himself right before the elevated ground, facing the wooden table and looking straight at the cross ahead of him.

He spoke aloud, with all his heart and anguish of all the issues he has in mind - to God. To his amazement, each time he pauses for an imaginary reply, he would hear a voice answering in his head, "In time, my son, you will understand". It went on that way each time he 'fires a question'. He wanted to feel frustration, but it never came, but still, it came to a point where he is lost for words. Finally, his mind ceased forming questions to confront God. At that point, a bright light appeared before him, and he fell back from his kneeling position, and flat on his rump in amazement, feeling a little 'fear' for the first time. Somehow, the light and tranquility surrounds him slowly eased the fear away, and he thought he has died and went to heaven.

A voice broke through the light, seeming to come from all directions, a voice that he has heard before, but louder this time, "Sit by my side, my son, and listen to all the people who comes to this church. You will learn the answers to all your questions, BUT on one condition, you must never ever speak up or respond, you will only listen and keep your peace." He agreed, and before he knew it, he finds himself lifted from the ground, and his body was turned towards facing an empty 'congregation'.

Facing the 'congregation', he could see many 'people' kneeling and saying prayers, voices filled his head, and he could hear and understood every prayer at the same time. He looked around the church in amazement, at how it is filled with people. He thought to himself, "Why didn't I see that before?" Still, he went on listening to all the prayers, feeling that he is with God, moving amongst HIS people - for the first time in his life, he understood the profoundness of God's 'omnipotence'.

Amidst all these, the young man's eyes focused on a fat man at the entrance of the church, walking towards the altar, carrying a heavy and bulging bag. The fat man soon stood before the wooden table, and facing the cross. The young man couldn't help noticing 'what a kind and serene face this fat man has' and he concluded that 'the fat man must be a good follower of Christ'. There he was, the fat man, kneeling where the young man was kneeling before, before the cross and eyes afixed to the ceiling of the church. He closed his eyes, and opened it again with tears streaming down his face. He stayed that way for a minute or two, and finally opened his tear-filled eyes again, and quickly turned to his bag to opened it up - filled with wads of cash - he ran his fingers lovingly through the cash, and closed the bag tight, leaving it at his side so that he could clasp his hands together in front of him in the act of saying a prayer. He looked up at the cross, saying, "Thank you Jesus, for blessing me with so much money when I prayed that I wanted to be rich. Thank you, thank you, thank you". With that, the fat man stood up, and scurried off without bringing the bag with him. The young man, was dying to holler out to the fat man, "Hey, you forgot to bring your bag of money", but he knew he couldn't say a word, as he has made a promise to God in keeping mum.

Minutes went past, with the young man watching over the bag of money. More and more people came forward, but none of them seem to 'see' the bag of money. The young man finds this most strange, and looked on intently, thinking that there would soon be someone, who'd spot the bag.

A shabbily dressed man dragged his feet into the church. which caught the young man's eyes. The young man was sure that this man, who reeks of rotten fish and has red-rimmed eyes would spot the bag. The poorly dressed man is an impoverished fisherman, how the young man came to know about it, he doesn't know... the vision of the man casting his torn and tattered net to the sea is all he could see. Before he knew it, the fisherman kneeled before the cross, and prayed aloud, "Oh God, I'm just a poor fisher man with a very sick daughter and a dying mother. I don't even make enough to provide them food or firewood, let alone pay for a physician to heal them from their sickness. The fish I catch are small, they can never fetch good money. Whatever sold off are just enough for me to pay rental of the shack that my daughter, my dear mother and I share." The fisherman, broke down in loud, noisy sobs again, and looked up the cross again, he is praying in his heart this time, and the young man could hear it, "I feel so wretched and cursed with poverty. My daughter and my mother are both dying, and I love them very much. I have no will to live anymore if they die. Oh Lord, if you are a living God, please help me in my hour of need."

After he has said those words, he looked to his right, and saw the bag of money that was left by the fat man. He took it as a sign from God, of showing him the bag - he opened it and saw all the money in it. Tears of sorrow at that instance, turned into tears of joy. He praised the Good Lord and took the bag with him, and left the church. At that instance, the young man felt it wasn't right, as the fisherman took money that does not belong to him - to the young man, it wasn't money for the fisherman, and he thinks that it wasn't good for the fisherman to take what wasn't his. He got really excited, and kept wanting to tell God that it wasn't right for the fisherman to take the money. However, he still had to keep 'mum' since he promised God that he will not speak up.

Right after the fisherman left, a newly married couple came into the church, singing of praises to the Lord, asking the Lord to bless them before they embark for their honeymoon in a couple of hours' time on a newly built ship, Queen Mary I. Before their prayers of thanks ended, the fat man rushed back into the church, wailing that he has lost his money. He blamed the young couple for taking it. The couple started defending themselves in anguish, saying that they were just there to give thanks before they embark on their trip - a trip to commemorate their union as a couple, a trip where they've spent every cent they've saved - a trip that will not wait for them if they were late. No one seemed to listen, everyone's just interested to see 'justice' done. Even the congregation of people started to gather round the couple, refusing to let them leave the church, while someone went to call the authorities - the police.

The complications have begun, police soon came, whisking the couple away. The couple kept on declaring their innocence, and swore that they did not see any money, nor any bag that contains money. Both the fat man and the police will not hear any of it - the judgement has been passed - 'the couple took the money' - afterall someone needs to foot the blame. The couple were treated like criminals, in the process of bringing them to prison.

The young man, having seen this, could no longer hold his tongue, he spoke. The moment he opened his mouth and spoke he found himself appearing before the 'scene', quite miraculously. The congregation, the fat man, the couple and the police have no idea where did the man appear from. However, the moment of 'amazement' soon faded as the young man told the whole story of who took the money.

At the end of the young man's 'story telling', the police rushed out to the sea, and arrested the fisherman. The fat man got his money back, and the couple need not go to jail. Now, that's justice done! Great applauses came from the congregation for the young man.

With all that fiasco behind him, the young man beamed proudly and faced the cross again, hoping to be seated at the right hand of God once again. He stood there for a long time, looking for the bright light that he experienced much earlier. Somehow, there is no more 'God's voice' in his head - he looked around him, he no longer hears prayers. He sees no one in the church. Just himself. In his confusion and frustration, he prayed once more in his heart to God, "I've done good - why am I not seated at your right hand anymore, where did all the people go - was I dreaming earlier?".

The bright light appeared before him and the voice of God returned, "No, what you went through was reality - it was not a test and you have been given a chance to change lives for the day. Yes, you have just changed the course of life for everyone that you judged on today."

The young man quickly answered, "I've brought justice to the whole situation... to the fat man, he has gained back what he has lost. The thief (the fisherman) is put in jail for taking what is not his, and the innocent couple are not framed and they are now free to go on to their trip - it's the right thing to do".

God began explaining, "Who are we to decide what is right for others, my son? What you have just seen do not appear as they are to the naked eyes. You have rushed into judging with the preliminary information you have received, but only if you have waited, you would have seen what is there to come."

"What do you mean, I have done the right thing - it's only fair for me to speak up and bring the wrong to justice and bring light to those who are deserving".

God continued, "My son, the fat man earns his money from selling little babies birthed by prostitutes to rich couples. He buys teenaged daughters from poor fathers and use them as prostitutes. With the loss of money, the fatman will not be able to expand his business to recruit and buy more prostitutes, and eventually he will lose his business in time to come. The money that he left behind at church, was part of God's plans".

The fisherman is to receive the money, so that he could save his mother and daughter. With the money, the fisherman will be able to buy warm clothes and food, and he will have enough money to mend his boat and nets to catch better fish to sell to provide for his family. Now he is in jail, his mother and daughter will die tonight and eventually, the fisherman will die in prison. No one will be burying the mother and the daughter - as no one cares. Tonight will be a cold night, colder than it was ever for the past 10 years, the daughter and the mother will not be able to fend for themselves, with their bodies are too weak to stand the cold and work - too long they've gone without food.

The ship that the couple will board will sink tonight as a storm will claim the ship together with everyones' lives on it. It's God's plan that they miss the ship tonight and they are spared from perishing in the sea tonight. If they were in jail for tonight, their lives will be saved, and they will able live to have children and lead a happy life together. They will make another trip in another grander ship in years to come. Tonight they will perish in the sea - all are at lost for them - they are robbed of their lives forever."

The young man got really angry and shouted to God to change things around, but God said, "There is a timing for everything, and lives would be saved tonight if you have been patient and let justice prevail instead of making quick decisions with your arrogance based on what you see for the moment. There are reasons for everything that cannot be seen with naked eyes. There is a timing, God's bigger plans to affect others and saving others at the same time - the big picture of God's plans."

Filled with sorrow, the young man begged God to give him another chance to undo what he has done. God said, "You have had your chance, and you can't undo what you have decided. But, you can make other changes. Today, lives are changed because you took things into your own hands. You have also broken your promise to keep quiet - the power I gave you earlier is now gone forever due to your folly, but you still have a chance to live a life to help others and not be judgemental. This will be a valuable lesson to you". The light went away, and the young man fell on his knees once again, in humility this time.

A lesson learned, but God did not banish the man because of HIS grace. Because we are only humans, we sometimes possess the arrogance of having wisdom in decoding the meanings behind the reasons of bad news, mishaps, or even anything that is good in life. Humility is the key here - and trusting and having faith in God would have saved more lives.

What's wrong with our eyes that we do not see beyond the meanings of the suffering or even witness sad happenings that range from unfair happenings to natural disasters that happen on this earth and the meaningless sufferings that the innocent go through. We wonder 'There mustn't be a God, and if there is, all these will not happen...' So, is there a living God out there?
Yes, there is a living God - and God has HIS timing for everything.

The practice of 'Godliness' should be in us, and this is completely different from 'playing God'. 'Godliness' in us is to let God be part of our lives, and allowing God to work through us. God always has HIS timing for us - reasons that are beyond our understanding at many times, but in time to come, we learn to understand why did things happen the way it did. Life can be fair if we practice perserverance and patience and be less judgemental, and practice a little love, grace and kindness in our daily lives.

As much as each of us is deserving of a chance, so do others. We are humans, we are hard to please, and we can never be 100% satisfied and agreeable to everything around us. We are flawed, but we have our choice of doing our 'check and balance'. Our eyes, as naked as they are, cannot help themselves but to be selective in their vision - open to receive some that comes our way, and blind to some. We are almost 'experts' in being specific at detecting and overlooking flaws that are linked to what we perceive as fair or unfair in life. 'Check and balance', and see beyond the meaning of justice, as it comes with a dosage of love, grace, perseverence and patience. Have you been there of late?