Angie's blog

Angie is a simple girlie who believes that her life is governed by God's mercy, grace and wisdom. This blog site solely used for her to express her thoughts and experiences in life.

Sunday, June 13

A sinful, sinful weekend lol

Yup, I went off to a Christian conference organised by the B & P ministry but didn't end up going to most of it's praise and worship sessions nor it's messages. However, I was on time for every meal session and truly maximised my gluttony.

I shared the room with two other girlies from work, and together we absconded most of the events. It wasn't that I didn't want to attend the sessions arranged for us, however, I didn't feel too comfortable with the way things were conducted... the message and testimonies were mainly on the business successes of the B & P members - so money-oriented. I didn't like it one bit.

We were the most obedient on the first day, the welcome session had us 3 drooling over this really good looking Kiwi speaker (he looks like a football star!) till he started sharing about his wife and kids - we got totally turned off - hehehe. However, he was nice enough to give a prayer of blessing to both Lai Lai and myself. Whoah... upclose and personal... so cute looking! But, hey... we're both there for the prayers not to look at him! haha! Anyway, we were good, we bowed our heads and prayed together said our little thank yous after the prayer and left without looking back - we were actually not interested at all?! I think that was God working through us, and totally not tempting us at all! lol

Anyway, we stayed throughout the worship session, and then 50% of the message for the night... and after that... we became restless... 3 of us hatched a little plan by not re-entering the room in 3s again. So, I was sent to go in and pack up and then go back to the room, while my roomies left the hall first and were waiting for me outside... I picked up Doreen's new Bible (yup bright yellow Good news version and a gift from her beloved bossie!) and stuff... and I thought Lai Lai didn't take her stuff across the table. So, I steathily crossed over here and there trying to make a really quiet departure from the hall. I took this nice-looking Bible across me that has a cover zipper and lots of little notes and a pen - stuffed everything inside and zipped it up... and tucked it under my arm, thinking that it was Lai Lai's... though I did notice the lady who sat beside Lai Lai kept looking at what I was doing...with her eyes growing bigger by the minute... I thought she was just being nosy, so I ignored her. I was satisfied that I've done a good job by packing everything up, and took one last look and went 'oops... almost forgot Doreen's menthos sweets'. Finally, I slowly stood up, and even pushed the chair back without a sound, and no one turned around except the same irritating lady who's eyes are rounder than saucers by now. I looked at her blankly this time, wondering what does she want... and she pointed to my arm and mimed "That's mine" ... I was so embarassed... and all of a sudden, everyone at the table looked at me wondering what was going on!!! HAHAHA! I was in the spotlight... errr... I mimed a 'Sorry' followed with lots of smiles in my embarassment... and quickly returned the stuff to her (good thing she is very forgiving too, afterall it was a mistake and nobody steals Bibles!). So much for wanting a quiet exit, I made a loud one instead... as everyone on the round table was looking at me with curious eyes . Oh well, that's life... don't we all make little blunders in life? When I got out of the hall, I related the little incident to the girls, and they had a good laugh over my silliness. Poor me!

Morning time was supposedly our 'quiet time' in where all the 3 of us were required to pray and share with another member of our focus group. That's us, we're the 'cherry blossom' girls... and it's obvious if 3 young women are missing in the group of 10. I think I was a tad bit too direct with the lady who woke us up for the quiet times.... the first line she had for us after we introduced our names were, "I was told all of you are not Christians"... duh? That got me ticked off... here, we have a stranger, trying to get a glimpse into our lives and checking our 'Christian lineage' ... plus our knowledge of Christiandom. I was turned off by the rest of the line of questioning there, really! I don't even dare to ask how my other girlfriend, who is a non-Christian, felt... Hmmmpf! So, there I went, straight to the point of not wanting to be part of the 'quiet time' group, as I believe quiet times are to be spent by yourself or with someone you're comfortable with... I was curt in some ways, and that probably made the lady feel that all the 3 of us are heathens! lol!! Err... probably just me, aye? Nevertheless, she went on and on about the story of 'man & God'... and I quipped in from time to time to shorten what she wants to say. Later on, I excused 'us' from the 'quiet time' as we wanted to go for our morning swim at the pool.

However, who am I to complain? I paid a subsidised rate for the weekend where the package includes food, transportation and lodging. Yums... the food was really good, and we were just a good 100 feets' walk from the beach side. All the 3 of us were totally spoilt over the weekend, and we even laid out on the beach and got ourselves a little tan, plus a jacuzzi and sauna session! Nice, nice, nice!

I had a splitting headache after my beach-whale session with Doreen that morning... and missed out on the beach games ... but joined the girls for a beer (I didn't have one, they did!). Anyway... I wish I had a sip of that golden liquid, it looked so tempting ... but the thought of having a recurring headache made me stay away from all that gold that 'glitters'... hehe.

*Yawn*... ok... I need a catnap now... completely tired out from the long ride back to Cheras, and then me driving home to PJ to only get stuck in the jam for another freaking hour... hmmm... so much for my weekend!