Angie's blog

Angie is a simple girlie who believes that her life is governed by God's mercy, grace and wisdom. This blog site solely used for her to express her thoughts and experiences in life.

Saturday, August 26

Rain, rain, go away...

... come again another day... Yeah, remember that song we used to sing back in kindergarten days? At least that's what I sang when I was in the kindy in the 70's. Ok, ok, stop rolling ya eyes and casting weird looks my direction! Nevertheless, no rain heeds that song these days, and I wonder why do they teach kiddies that song in those days. Stormy days and whatever downpours that bring thunder and lightning are different from those days too. Perhaps the end of the world's coming, *gasp*.

Talking about the end of the world, my world's crumbling due to my time-management. I don't seem to have enough hours in a day to get all my things done, especially things that I want to do, plan to do, and dream to do! Just for this week alone, I made a simple plan to swim every evening, and guess what, nature had to spoil it for me! Rain just come and spoil my serene evening of dreams to swim!!

I'm hissing like a drenched hell-cat at the moment, because I couldn't venture near any pool unless I feel like ascending to heaven on a stormy day. Do hell-cats go to heaven? Anyway, with all the thunder and lightning rolling and grumbling away in the sky, bellowing, "I dare you come out, I'll zap you pork bellies into a crispy piece of bacon". Geez, I wouldn't want to float face-down in a pool resembling a piece of charcoaled bacon crisp. My imagination's running wild at the moment with the many kinds of headlines in the Star newspaper.

Talking about the media, a.k.a. the liar, there are prints stating the weather will not be as fair as I'd have hoped it it to be. Maybe this is the only speck of truth they are reporting since it's always safer to talk about the weather without any political insinuations!? Whatever. But still, who trusts the weather these days? It's all gone haywire these days.

Haywire that it is, and here I am again, on a sunny saturday afternoon, clearing my laundry, and hoping that the sun will stay up in the sky long enough for the day. Nothing is more satisfying that sun-sweet-crisp-smelling clothes. So, am crossing my fingers till it's numb, "no rain, please, no rain please", I'd quip like a banshee. I need to exercise, and swimming's the best to move all those unmoved muscles and sinews in the body... it's time to live a healthier lifestyle and cut down on the food. That is at least my short-term (hopefully it'll be converted into a long-termed one!) plan ... So, I'll sing the ol' song again since nothing works... rain, rain, go away....