To gym or not to gym...
"We can give you a really good deal... if you sign up by the end of the month..." and bla bla bla. Gym reps from fitnessfirst are as just as pushy & pesty as those Insurance agents and Multi-level-marketing folks when it comes to business - I'm sick and tired of them!.
The latest deal offered to me now is part of the Maxis corporate deal, which was better than the IBM one which was offered to me yesterday. I'm two minds about this whole thing, and it seems like the reps are trying to undercut each other all the time. I have 3 reps calling me (one from uptown, and another from KLCC and one more from God-knows-where!).
I already have a lifetime gym membership with martial allied, so... do I need another one? hmmm? So... to gym or not to gym afterall I'm already doing my regular walks at bukit kiara reserved forest and a swim at riana green? Hmmm...?
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