Angie's blog

Angie is a simple girlie who believes that her life is governed by God's mercy, grace and wisdom. This blog site solely used for her to express her thoughts and experiences in life.

Wednesday, December 22

Gentleness and Meek Humility

In this fallen world, gentleness and meek humility have dwindled into nothingness, if not, almost forgotten. For those who still possess them, they are seen as doormats or losers. Most of them do not have fat accounts to boast about, nor are they prominent figures in the society of the rich and famous.

It's not that they did not pursue successes in life, or lack ambition. They are just more balanced in using their gifts of feeling and thinking in every situation. They do not succumb to ruthless bull-dozing to get what they want all the time. They persevere, have faith, and filled with hope and grace, as they believe in greater rewards in life. Rewards that include the building relationships with others, in being considerate to others, in giving random acts of kindness, in deep understanding and respect for mercy and grace even for the undeserving.

Afterall, what's the hot pursuit in succeeding in life all about? Little do many realise or just choose to ignore, how important it is to have the milk of human kindness in every aspect of life. There is more joy in giving than receiving at the end of the day. It is a contributing factor to sustaining happiness and contentment in all positions in life. Though some misuse this to their advantage, by asking perverted the act of giving, by expecting others to return in due course.

The words, 'gentleness' and 'meek humility' should not be negated, but to be seen in a positive light. It's where feelings of people are taken into consideration through genuine actions taken in deep-thought before the arrival of the decision-making processes. It's not a religious thing, it's the element of compassion for people, and the almost-forgotten glue to all relationships.

To have kindness, one must understand and utilise the gift of feeling and thinking. Too often a time, people have squealched their feelings, leaving themselves numbed, suppressed and submerged so that the 'thinking' mind surfaces to deal with various situations ranging from decision making or undoing a decision. Such are the secular ways of the world where the vicious cycle of the hurt will administer to the next group of hurt... making the world a bleak, hopeless, and cold place to live in. Cold hard cash and the play of power is the oil to the hinges of doors to opportunity, it births it's own language and illusionary vision to manufacture temporary happiness. It's unquenchable needs require constant feeding. Each time, in larger doses, completely milking a person dry of emotions.

Many who practise by, or administer such, are recipients of hurt themselves or once were in that position. It only takes their own permission, to allow such thinking and ideologies to rule their lives. Little do they know themselves; they do not listen to the screaming voice within to be nurtured, to feel a little love, to feel a little appreciation and respect.

Ignoring the voice within, killing the 'self' in the pursuit for success, many do not even find time to know their real selves better. Sometimes not even feeling or thinking, they face life in denial, thinking that it's easier to deal with things that way. Their emotions run wild, while thinking halts the processes, but by ramming head-on, they become comfortable doers - in self-denial, a form of death.

To learn about the self, there is constant checking and balancing processes with the outside world and the self, in which one minimises gaffes. Pausing to feel and think of one's position in life, gauging what is missing and or what has exceeded before the tongue slips and actions blunder. The rat race to surviving doesn't pave a clear and bright pathway, but to just aim in the head to rush to the end line. It's a race that has completely left many with broken hearts and endless soul-searching, a defeat.

A little gentleness and meek humility comes a long way. Sometimes, it's overlooked since the world is so harsh and calculative. The ways of the world needn't get into us, we have to continue to seek God's wisdom and His loving plan for us to fit into His Will. How will we ever arrive to see God's plans if we are so head-strong by using our worldly eyes and ears in the pretext of being street wise? Food for thoughts.