Angie's blog

Angie is a simple girlie who believes that her life is governed by God's mercy, grace and wisdom. This blog site solely used for her to express her thoughts and experiences in life.

Wednesday, March 1

Expensive petrol!

With three petrol price hike within the past 12 months, I just find such extra expenses too damn much to bear! It now costs a whopping RM70 for a full tank instead of the RM60. Worse still, I've yet to get over a RM60 worth for a full tank, and now the damn petrol price has gone up again?

I remember when I first began working in 1998, a full tank costs me RM35, and my drawn salary was then half of what I have today. Today, petrol price has doubled....seems like, I'm back to square one again. The price for everything will tag on this petrol rise... so, all goods and services will increase from now on except for salaries!

I had to laugh cynically when I read that the govt has promised to not raise petrol prices for at least another year. The other statement that I read before this was that Malaysians pay the lowest price for petrol. Hell... our salaries are much lower than those who earn foreign western currencies in their home countries!! Of course proportion-wise, they pay more for their goods and services. It's value for money, isn't it? It's all in the lifestyle. How can we compare to US / European petrol prices... Malaysians should pay less, and the govt should subsidise more afterall, since we earn just a fraction of what those foreign dudes earn! Seems like I'm not left with any choice but to accept the petrol price as it is... I'll just have to be really frugal from now on, else there won't be any money saved up for my rainy days *sigh*

Talking about money and salaries... I just go cross-eyed every time Papa asks me where did all my money go since I earn twice of what he used to earn in the past. He's thinking that I should have a really fat bank account now. To add more injury to my wound, Papa even quipped that he even managed to save up apart from putting clothes on our back and food on the table... and also save enough to send bro and I overseas to pursue our tertiary studies with half of his earnings. Ouch!

Anyway, it's the KL lifestyle in the end... a lot of money go into entertainment and conveniences of a city lifestyle. Moreover, with the rate of pricing of everything going up at the moment (thanks to inflation!), I don't think I could even afford to feed a little tyke if I ever have one and earning what I'm earning now, let alone saving up for a tyke's tertiary studies! Damn!!!!!!!!! This is depressing...