Angie's blog

Angie is a simple girlie who believes that her life is governed by God's mercy, grace and wisdom. This blog site solely used for her to express her thoughts and experiences in life.

Sunday, November 25

Did you just watch a movie?

That question is taken verbatim as spilled from the man's mouth. I just said, "Hello my darling" when he answered the phone, and he was taken aback, shocked and probably find it horrifying when I showered him this endearment. How romantic, not!

My answer to the question is, "No"... and he said "ok"... and I quipped, "Can't I use endearments with you?". His answer? - "You can do whatever you want". What a bummer!

Here I am, under 2 days shy of 3 months to 'our' wedding, and this is how he sounds. Makes me wonder whether I made the right choice to marry this man as he's already behaving this way before we are married! I'm not overtly romantic, but I'd appreciate just a small dose of appreciation from him.

It's no wonder that his mother has always advised me not to take in everything he says, as he likes to 'test' and 'try' people with his whims and fancies just to see what's the response... So, I'd better take his mama's advise, else I'd drown in my own vomit. Mothers do know best sometimes!

What makes me wonder is that whenever he says things, he wants my 100% attention, and while what I say is just being tuned off. So, where's the fairness to this? No wonder my mother says that sometimes I need to learn to pretend and be less honest. If he finds out I'm not honest, then he gets mad. If I'm too honest, he'd be a pain. So much contradiction!

If everything I have to say seems to be wrong, then I might as well not say a thing! What's there left to say when you have dead-end responses such as what he's giving? So, everything I say must be of his territory of interest? So, what has happened to my own interests? Do they not carry any water these days?

I miss those days when we were friends, as he was much more polite and sweeter. These days, I find him rude at most times, unsavoury to the boot! So, this the man I'm going to marry in months' to come? God help me!