Angie's blog

Angie is a simple girlie who believes that her life is governed by God's mercy, grace and wisdom. This blog site solely used for her to express her thoughts and experiences in life.

Wednesday, July 22

What shades? Who's Grey?

Some time last year, I had a girlie night out with my childhood friend. Both of us heard of this movie title but not paid attention to its contents or even genre.

Wow, speaking of soft p*rn, it was really that just that. K*nkiness to the 7th layer of l*st. I'm just putting asterisks to some words so that when the general public do their word search for reads, it won't lead them here. My blog is not about such, as you see.

What an eye-popping and eye-prying open kind of movie it is, I for some reason got unexpectedly hooked. I read the trilogy in 3 days. A book a day. What an achievement, not.

Did I learn anything? Yes and no. Yes to the fact that it takes all sorts to rock some world. I absolutely love intensity, my man with intense emotions reflecting in his eyes. That makes my heart skip a beat. No to the fact that it's just entertainment for a wee kick to jump start *ahem*...and my darling hubby was curious as anything after I returned from the movie. I told him about the movie title and he jumped on to the internet and read up about it.

For days to end, he'd ambush me in a passionate way. Funny, yet cute as can be. For weeks thereon, saying that he'd like to watch the movie with me. I just decided no all the way, as I enjoyed keeping this as a little girl secret, that my mind has been deflowered. An imagery kind for me to delve into without him referring to any part of that movie. That keeps us original.

So, am I the shady girl who is delving into grey areas? I think not with pain, but yes with intensity in laws of attraction. Teehee hee!