Angie's blog

Angie is a simple girlie who believes that her life is governed by God's mercy, grace and wisdom. This blog site solely used for her to express her thoughts and experiences in life.

Wednesday, July 22

Calm down...

...well, I am calming down. With a slight flurry of thoughts, passing in little frames and snippets of what would and could be, and catapulting ahead with nothing in between, earlier, that is :-).

I'm gearing into reframing my mind, rethinking thoughts I had for the past few days, giggling at funny moments and scowling at absurd situations. Funny how the mind works, and with an imagination as vivid as mine, I see my Ally McBeal moments.

So, what did I actually do to calm myself down? I dived into my fears, looked at the many facets of my life, all the nooks and crannies and pockets of dark and lit areas. I made a decision, and have comfortably settled by coining it as pragmatism and put it in a course of plans to be eventually transferred to actions.

My to-do list...dive back to reading, gear up for academic writing and do something academic soon. It's about time. My excuse? Well, it's just 1.5 years post-treatment, so another 1.5 to come out of being high-risk, then add another 2 years for an all-clear. Roughly I'm looking at signing up for the continuation of my further education.

That is my procrastination, at least it calmed me down a wee bit.