Angie's blog

Angie is a simple girlie who believes that her life is governed by God's mercy, grace and wisdom. This blog site solely used for her to express her thoughts and experiences in life.

Thursday, October 14

Wonders of nature and us

Ever thought of how interesting nature could be and how one can't help but to have a cesspit / cesspool of a mind? Haha Anyway, last weekend was the Annual Summit of the company I work for, in where attendance is mandatory for all those in their managerial posts and above. Tucked away in Fraser's Hill, all of us had a mix of boring seminars, workshop & lectures, but the good weather and nice sightseeing experiences kind of balanced things out! Needless to say, there are moments where some of the colleagues could bond and get to know each other better from the little 'retreat' and also discover interesting things together - learning from the ecosystem of the forest and all that lives there.

Here goes the pictures, as you may have seen (as posted in the above) are those taken in Fraser's... lol. Interesting-looking, isn't it? My vice-president was going from pink to red in embarassment and kept slapping me on the arm because 'she saw the resemblance' too. Thanks to Prof. Jim Graham, who's always ready with his camera, took a shot of both. Yes, 'the idea' of a cesspool of a mind. So, that very evening, the few naughty bosses got together and inserted these two pictures into the slides of another Vice President's presentation - but, clever lil' bugger was vigilant enough to reread his stuff before presenting - needless to say, he had a good laugh, but chickened out.

Anyway, I lost my plot... it is still funny... (ready to read this?) This reminds me of my little jaunts to seafood restaurants (you know, those that have lots of fresh sea food and giant tanks for you to choose 'fresh' stuff). To my shock and horror, I saw that... errrr... really bears some resemblance to a dong (excuse me, I couldn't be more creative with my French) - the geoduck. There were a few shell fish and funny looking snails that resembles the clothed bits of the female too - as I've seen it with my naked eyes (pun unintended), I don't remember the names of those seafoods, hence, I couldn't find a pix in the net to let you know 'what I mean'. Oh well, sorry to disappoint lol.