Angie's blog

Angie is a simple girlie who believes that her life is governed by God's mercy, grace and wisdom. This blog site solely used for her to express her thoughts and experiences in life.

Monday, August 1

Whoah... time flies!

August just rolled in today, and I can't believe that we're actually in the 8th month of year 2005! I was just thinking, I'm only 4 months plus in my braces, and just into my 3rd month of Catechism classes - all in all, a bloody long way to go!

On one hand, I'm happy that the days and months are rolling past me like a blink of an eye, while another part of me on the aging bits is weighing me down. Though ironically, my weight has gone down a whopping 4 kgs since I had my braces on... so, who needs Atkins or South beach diets? Just go get braces!

Every single day, I'd stare into the mirror a few times a day or anything that I come across that has a shiny surface and reflects my image. I'd take long stares of my teeth, and make all sorts of monkey faces so that I'd get a better glimpse of my molars, canines and incissors. I'd even go to the extent of playing with my braces a little, smack my lippies a bit, and see what I'd look like if I smile this way or that way? Too much wires or teeth showing? What's the ratio of teeth to braces to gums are like? Geez, ain't I glad that I'm no engineering chick who is specific about precisions or degrees or angles of anything!

Yeah, it sounds like all the 'mirror-looking' may imply that I've contracted some rare type of narcissus syndrome, but not quite. I'm a madam-metal-mouth at the moment, so just think of 'jaws' in the Bond series of 'moonraker'. Even Martin would nod vigourously at this comment, as he thinks that I'd come in handy when he wants a bottle of beer opened... I could just well imagine him whistling me over, "here, here, girlie, open your mouth and 'pops' the beer lid off the bottle and starts *gulping*". How convenient!

FYI, my teeth have moved a fair bit, and they are straightened these days, with lil' gaps in between! Imagine the impossible-looking crowded and bucked-two-front teeth I once had is no longer there. Even my face shape has changed (me jaw has shrunken, my cheeks have sunk in - I'm no longer the round-faced girlie you once knew).

The next thing to do in the next appointment is for the dentist to put in a different set of thicker volumed wires. This will push my top and bottom front teeth in, and to pull the back top & bottom teeth towards the front to close those gaps where the chucked-out biscupids were once at. I'm excited to see the changes, and I can imagine 'em gaps closing. At the moment, they are closing oh-so-slo-o-o-o-wly. Just 1mm per 3 weeks, and a few stubborn ones are not even budging yet? A biscupid tooth gap is about 6mms, if you are interested to know. So far, 3mms are closed, and that's halfway! Yay! So, *quick calculation* this may mean that I need another 4 months for the gaps to completely close? Hmmm? Come November and December... come quickly *chant chant chant*.

Now, enough of my teeth, let's look at another set of teething problems... My parents' visit and Martin's undecided mode! As for parents, they are in the midst of the 3rd week of visit (glad time's flying on this one). I love 'em, but they can't leave me alone without telling me off like I'm a small child, or stuff me up like a turkey with all the nice foodies! As for space (which I long for the most...), I was just complaining to Zorah this afternoon that I don't even have a proper toilet break at home without Mom knocking to either get my change of clothes, or she wants to brush her teeth, or have her 'private moment' at the pee pit. So, forget about the mention of having some teeny weeny space to myself. What space?

Sleeping arrangements were as per usual eventhough Winnie has moved out of the spare room. I bumped into Winnie when I was jogging at the Mont Kiara Forest Reserve tracks, and she said, "have yer parents moved into my ex-room yet?" I said, "Nah, nah, they refused to". Seems like the bonding bits are much better if Mommy sleeps with daughter, and Daddy sleeps with son... yes, bro and I are pouting to the max that you can actually hang a couple of clothes hangers on our lower lip. *Hey! no incest going on here - just a very traditional Chinese way of parents bonding with their kids, irregardless of their age!*

As for Martin, status quo or currently regressing. Yup, nothing to write about this.... sad, huh?

Nevertheless, I'm trying hard to fill up my days with more reading, which I've abandoned for years. I missed reading, and I should get back to it, and take advantage of the situation with parents being around. Time would fly even faster if I'd nose dive into them books, especially the religious order ones! Hmmm... means that the waiting time for my braces would be quartered by now, and the Catechism classes errr... quartered as well. Before I know it, year 2006 will be just around the corner.