Angie's blog

Angie is a simple girlie who believes that her life is governed by God's mercy, grace and wisdom. This blog site solely used for her to express her thoughts and experiences in life.

Thursday, December 30

Inquisitive creatures that we are...

Healthy are those who ask, as they are willing to learn; Blessed are those who seek, as they shall find.

Day after day, we form little questions in our heads, asking away because we want to know. Sometimes we ask interesting questions that will never have answers. Sometimes, we adamantly and relentlessly pepper questions just to get to the bottom of things. Sometimes, our questions are answered, and at times, not. We ask all sorts to quench our inquisitiveness.

Inquisitiveness sometimes do not always bring about the best, as answers we get or do not get may not quench our thirst of knowing. It is first of all, unhealthy to be obsessed over matters that do not really matter.

For many of us, we believe in fate, destiny, and for most Christians, God's Will. In different situations, we'd trigger off our questioning button, sometimes just for the sake of 'seeing' what the other party would say, and sometimes to genuinely know about things, and in some occasion, just to be nosy. When should we stop being inquisitive then?

I remember a friend of mine, who had a hard time trying to find out all about octopuses. Reason being, his 6-year-old daughter was peppering him questions on octopuses... "Daddy, does octopuses have a heart? Do they bleed like us? Are their blood red like ours?" bla bla bla... you get the drift. Adults that we are today, but we can still be like this 6-year-old. We sometimes get obsessive with our questioning, especially the women specie (girls, please don't bash me up on this, I'm just trying to be fair and not fit into the stereotype) . I too, know of some men who are that way as well, just that they are quicker at forming a judgement at the end of the day without consensus, or just shrug thing off (grrr! See, girls, I told you I'm still on your side!).

Anyway, I'm going to refer to the Bible again. I believe that sometimes, questioning may or can sidetrack us from our faith. We need to be more gracious in addressing things, and how we question things by living in the light. Yes, living in the light in terms of living a clean, holy life . Well, Let's look at the scriptures, the words that God spoke to Moses to His people are true for us today, the 10 commandments and also many other scriptures in the Bible. For me, I want to be obedient and disciplined all the time (I succeeded most of the time, of not all of it at most times), and basically just stick to knowing God and His Will for is, as all is being spelt out in the Bible. The Bible to me, is a revelation of life. I can vouch for that as I have read so many scriptures that hits nails right into my head at different times of needs.

So, as inquisitive as we can be, and with child-like innocence that we may possess, we need to look forward positively and live to understand God's all-seeing wisdom. Our inquisitiveness should be lined with God's wisdom, with appropriate questions for the ripe moments, and well-thought line of questioning that will not bleed others' hearts. Through wisdom, we question and/or are questioned in order to grow. In believing that God wants us to be in every situation is the key, as that will only make us grow to be better persons for the morrow. There's no big open question on where we'll end up at the end of the day. It's not going to be an easy route to take, by trusting blindly, but I believe that happy are those who seek positiveness in life and not be doubtful of God's promises, as they shall find happiness - inquisitively happy.